Image Charts Documentation

Image Charts - v1.1

Current Version

Released September 2018

v1.1 is the current stable release. The APIs are located here:

See the Change Log for previous versions.

What's New

The v1.1 release has a number of new inputs added to the price chart. With v1.1 we have also dropped the minor version from the API path. Moving forward, version bumps in the API path will only be for major breaking changes; all other changes will be backwards compatible. The /1.0/ API will continue to work but we encourage you to update to the new /1/ path.

  • Minor version was dropped from the API path.
  • Added new input params chartType and priceFillColor to the Price Chart allowing for area charts.
  • New percentChange input param for the Price Chart that when set to true shows a percent change chart.
  • Ability to add comparison symbols to the chart through compareSymbols.
  • General bug fixes

See the Change Log for previous versions.


Before jumping into the docs make sure you understand Authentication. In the below examples we will be using demo-token as our demo authentication token. Each time any of the APIs are called this token is required to be passed as either a parameter on the URL or in the Header. This CodePen shows the two auth methods in action:

Details on how to generate a real authentication token can be found in the Authentication section. Our demo-token is only entitled for delayed data for the following securities:

  • Apple Inc (symbol: AAPL) trading on the NASDAQ
  • Microsoft (symbol: MSFT) trading on the NASDAQ

Requests to chart any other securities will fail.

Price Charts

Price charts are more detailed images with both x and y axis labels and optionally showing volume as a lower indicator.

Minimum Example

The CodePen shows the minimum inputs need to generate a price chart:

Full Example

The CodePen shows all the available inputs for a price chart:

API URL & Structure

The price chart API URL is:

The API version is contained in the URL path. Only the major version is included in the path.

Chart inputs are contained in the inputs URL parameter and consists of an URL encoded object. A final API URL would look like this:

See the API Inputs section for a full list of Price Chart inputs. The above CodePens also provide good examples of the API inputs.

API Inputs

Note: All images are returned with a transparent background.


string: optional

Description: Marker style used for the price chart.

Accepted Inputs:

  • "line" for line chart
  • "area" for area chart (see priceFillColor for fill color options)

Default: "line"


"chartType": "area"


JSON array: optional

Description: When passed a JSON array the symbols in the JSON array are loaded as comparisons in the chart.

Default: NULL

JSON Inputs for compareSymbols

The compareSymbols param accepts a JSON array composed of the following parameters:


string: required

The symbol that is to be charted as a comparison. See Symbology for more details.


string: optional/required

The exchange code for the symbol that is to be charted as a comparison. This input is required if you are utilizing the Exchange Symbol + Exchange Code as your symbol set; otherwise it is optional. See Symbology for more details.


string: optional

Hex color of the comparison price line.


int: optional

Width in pixels of the comparison price line.


"compareSymbols": [{
    "symbol": "SPY",
    "exchange": "NYSE",
    "priceLineColor": "#f18700",
    "priceLineWidth": 4
}, {
    "symbol": "MSFT",
    "exchange": "NSQ",
    "priceLineColor": "#fcd32e",
    "priceLineWidth": 4


string: optional

Description: Localized language and number/date formats.

Accepted Inputs:

  • "en-US" for English (United States) [default]
  • "en-AU" for English (Australia)
  • "en-GB" for English (United Kingdom)
  • "fr-CA" for French (Canada)

Default: "en-US"


"cultureCode": "en-US"


boolean: optional

Description: When set to true will convert the chart values to the major currency instead of minor.

Default: true


"showMajorCurrency": true


string: required/optional

Description: The financial exchange code for the passed symbol. Required only if you are using the Exchange Symbol and Exchange Code as your symbol set. See Symbology.

See the full list of available exchange codes.


"exchange": "NSQ"


string: optional

Description: Hex color of x-axis and y-axis labels.

Default: "#9d9d9d"


"fontColor": "#2496f1"


integer: optional

Description: Font size of x-axis and y-axis labels in pixels.

Default: 12


"fontSize": 13


integer: optional

Description: Height in pixels of the lower chart panel (volume). The overall image height will be the sum of upperPanelHeight and lowerPanelHeight

Default: 75


"lowerPanelHeight": 50


integer: optional

Description: The timeframe in number of days that the chart should display.

Default: 365


"numDays": 1


boolean: optional

Description: When set to true will show the chart as a percent change.

Default: false


"percentChange": true


string: optional

Description: Hex color of the price fill color. This color is only used when chartType is set to area.

Default: "#33336699"


"priceFillColor": "#3b638a"


string: optional

Description: Hex color of the price line.

Default: "#2496f1"


"priceLineColor": "#2496f1"


integer: optional

Description: Width in pixels of the price line.

Default: 2


"priceLineWidth": 3


boolean: optional

Description: If the user_tier (see Authentication section) is entitled to real-time exchange data the realTime parameter can be set to true to get back real-time charting data. If the realTime parameter is set to true but the user_tier is not entitled to real-time data the chart will default back to displaying delayed data. Setting the realTime parameter to false will return delayed charting data. Number of minutes intraday data is delayed varies by exchange.

Default: false


"realTime": true


boolean: optional

Description: When set to true chart will show volume as a lower indicator. When set to false chart will not show volume as a lower indicator.

Default: false


"showVolume": true


string: required

Description: The financial symbol for the chart to graph. See Symbology.


"symbol": "AAPL"


integer: optional

Description: Height in pixels of the upper chart panel (price). The overall image height will be the sum of upperPanelHeight and lowerPanelHeight

Default: 250


"upperPanelHeight": 200


string: optional

Description: Hex color of volume bars.

Default: "#2496f1"


"volumeColor": "#5F6064"


integer: optional

Description: Width in pixels of the chart image.

Default: 500


"width": 400


string: optional

Description: Hex color of x-axis grid lines.

Default: "#e1e1e1"


"xGridLineColor": "#e1e1e1"


integer: optional

Description: Width in pixels of the x-axis grid lines.

Default: 1


"xGridLineWidth": 2


string: optional

Description: Hex color of y-axis grid lines.

Default: "#e1e1e1"


"yGridLineColor": "#e1e1e1"


integer: optional

Description: Width in pixels of the y-axis grid lines.

Default: 1


"yGridLineWidth": 2

Spark Charts

Spark charts are small simple charts that do not have x or y axis labels. They are often used in tables or to add small visualizations to a page or app.

Minimum Example

The CodePen shows the minimum inputs need to generate a spark chart:

Full Example

The CodePen shows all the available inputs for a spark chart:

API URL & Structure

The spark chart API URL is:

The API version is contained in the URL path. Only the major version is included in the path.

Chart inputs are contained in the inputs URL parameter and consists of an URL encoded object. A final API URL would look like this:

See the API Inputs section for a full list of Spark Chart inputs. The above CodePens also provide good examples of the API inputs.

API Inputs

Note: All images are returned with a transparent background.


string: required/optional

Description: The financial exchange code for the passed symbol. Required only if you are using the Exchange Symbol and Exchange Code as your symbol set. See Symbology.

See the full list of available exchange codes.


"exchange": "NSQ"


integer: optional

Description: Height in pixels of the chart image.

Default: 30


"height": 50


integer: optional

Description: The timeframe in number of days that the chart should display.

Default: 365


"numDays": 1


string: optional

Description: Hex color of the price line. This color is only used when showChange is set to true.

Default: "#5F6064"


"priceLineColor": "#2496f1"


integer: optional

Description: Width in pixels of the price line.

Default: 1


"priceLineWidth": 1


string: optional

Description: Hex color of the negative portion of the price line. This is the portion of the price line that is below the previous day's close price. For example if our priceNegativeColor is set to #C0202D the result could look like this:

The red section is the negative portion of the price line.

Default: "#C0202D"


"pricePositiveColor": "#fd0000"


string: optional

Description: Hex color of the positive portion of the price line. This is the portion of the price line that is above the previous day's close price. For example if our pricePositiveColor is set to #76c147 the result could look like this:

The green section is the positive portion of the price line.

Default: "#1D8343"


"pricePositiveColor": "#76c147"


boolean: optional

Description: If the user_tier (see Authentication section) is entitled to real-time exchange data the realTime parameter can be set to true to get back real-time charting data. If the realTime parameter is set to true but the user_tier is not entitled to real-time data the chart will default back to displaying delayed data. Setting the realTime parameter to false will return delayed charting data. Number of minutes intraday data is delayed varies by exchange.

Default: false


"realTime": true


boolean: optional

Description: When set to true chart will use the pricePositiveColor and priceNegativeColor to draw the chart. When set to false chart will only use the priceLineColor to draw the chart.

Default: true


"showChange": false


string: required

Description: The financial symbol for the chart to graph. See Symbology.


"symbol": "AAPL"


integer: optional

Description: Width in pixels of the chart image.

Default: 75


"width": 90

API Errors

All API errors are handed back with the appropriate status (400, 401 etc) and an error message.

Example 401 - Unauthorized response:

{"type":"Authentication","failureCode":11004,"responseCode":401,"message":"pf token validation failed","headers":{"entries":[],"empty":true}}


The Image Charts APIs will follow the Semantic Versioning methodology. Chartworks will only release Major and Minor versions of the Image Charts APIs.

Image Charts Log

v1.1 (current stable)

Released September 2018

What's new in v1.1:

  • Minor version was dropped from the API path.
  • Added new input params chartType and priceFillColor to the Price Chart allowing for area charts.
  • New percentChange input param for the Price Chart that when set to true shows a percent change chart.
  • Ability to add comparison symbols to the chart through compareSymbols.
  • General bug fixes


This is the initial release of the Chartworks Image charts.